method feature for writing zx-style scripts with it, making it even more useful for shell scripting style usecases.
Turbowatch: File Change Detector and Task Orchestrator — Not just that but it claims to be extremely fast and “if you ever wanted something like Nodemon but more capable, then you are at the right place.” This looks very promising and the README is full of examples.
How Cloudflare Built an SEO Tool on Workers, D1, and Queues — It’s an open-source tool for monitoring new site content called Prospector. If you use Cloudflare’s serverless platform at all, though, you may be more interested in this post which explains just how such a tool came together, including their use of Hono, an Express-like framework targeting edge compute cases.
Kristian Freeman and Neal Kindschi (Cloudflare)
How to Debug Node Segmentation Faults — Normal execptions are one thing, but when you’re faced with something as cryptic as “segmentation fault (core dumped)”, what are you to do? Tim has some pointers.
Drizzle: An ORM That Lets You Just Write SQL — Drizzle takes a middle of the road approach where not everything is abstracted away but there’s a bit more structure than just writing raw SQL queries. Type safety is the order of the day here too. GitHub repo.
Find My Way: Fast HTTP Router That Uses Radix Trees — We first linked this many years ago but the author reached out to us and it continues to be updated. (If you’re a Fastify or Restify user, you’re already using it!)
Tomas Della Vedova
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