#​402 — August 26, 2021

Read on the Web

📋 In case you missed our notice a couple of weeks ago, we took a week off last week but are now back every week till Christmas 🙂 Don’t forget you can always hit reply to recommend things for us to consider for future issues – I read every response.
Peter Cooper, editor

Node Weekly

Introducing Mongoose 6.0.0 — MongoDB user? You’ll want this. And if you’re an existing Mongoose user, you’ll want the 5.x to 6.x migration guide too. Amazingly it’s been over three years since Mongoose 5, so it was about time, and a lot of work has gone into this release 🙂

Valeri Karpov

Node v16.8.0 (Current) Released — One of the more humble releases. Introduces


, the


helper for


, and


has been exposed for public use (a ‘USV String’ is a sequence of Unicode scalar values). Oh, and a week earlier Node 16.7.0 came out adding an experimental recursive



Michaël Zasso

Enhance Node.js Performance with Datadog APM — Debug errors and bottlenecks in your code by tracing requests across web servers and services in your environment. Then correlate between distributed request traces, metrics, and logs to troubleshoot issues without switching tools or contexts. Try Datadog APM free.

Datadog APM sponsor

zx 3: A Tool for Writing Better Shell Scripts — Rather than using something like


to throw together a quick script,


provides a variety of niceties to do the same with the JavaScript you know and love. A lot of work seems to be going into it right now with 3.0 and 3.1 dropping within days of each other. Here’s a basic usage example if you’re intrigued as to what it enables.


The npm Registry is Deprecating TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 — From October, all connections to npm web sites and the registry itself must use TLS 1.2 or higher. This shouldn’t affect many of you as apparently 99% of traffic is already meeting this requirement, but if you’re running some ancient Node binaries or devices doing odd things, you might want to check in on them during the test runs scheduled in this post.


An Introduction to


— jq is a fast, C-powered command-line utility to parse, sort, filter, and do just about anything with JSON data. Adam’s post is now the place to go to to remember


syntax instead of Googling it.

Adam Gordon Bell

[Guide] Ship Fast. Stay Ahead of the Competition

LaunchDarkly sponsor

NAN to Node-API Migration: A Short Story — A creator of several native add-ons for Node reflects on the shift from NAN to Node-API (formerly N-API) – this is specifically for native add-on creators only as it digs into the weeds a bit.

Santiago Gimeno


  • ls-lint, a fast file and directory name linter written in Node, has passed 500k npm downloads. Congratulations.

🛠 Code & Tools

libOBS (OBS Studio) Bindings for Node.js and ElectronOBS Studio is a hugely popular system for video recording, streaming and compositing, often used by livestreamers. This library helps open it up to a bit of Node-powered automation. obs-websocket-js is another approach more suited to ‘remote controlling’ an existing install over WebSocket.


LevelGraph 3.0: A JavaScript Graph Database for Node and Browser — Built on top of LevelDB for performance, this can be used within a Node app or any browser with IndexedDB support.

Matteo Collina and LevelGraph Contributors

undici 4.5: A Modern HTTP/1.1 Client for Node — We’ve written about Undici a few times now and it really seems to be shaping up as the best modern HTTP client for Node. The newest v4.5.0 release introduces TS types for



Matteo Collina and Undici contributors

Exclusive: Get Retool Free for Up to a Year and $160,000 in Startup Discounts

Retool For Startups sponsor

http-server: A Simple Zero-Conf Command-Line HTTP Server — A lot more configurable (if you wish) than other simple command line HTTP servers.

Robbins, Squires, et al.

pg-boss 6.2.0: Postgres + Node Job Queueing System — A job queue for background processing and reliable asynchronous execution. It uses Postgres specific features to guarantee safety.

Tim Jones

Tedious 12.0: A TDS Module for Connecting to SQL Server Databases — If you want to speak TDS (Tabular Data Stream), the protocol used to interact with Microsoft’s SQL Server (from 2000 up to 2017), this is for you.

Mike D Pilsbury

Fishdraw: Procedurally Generated Fish Drawings — This Node-based project creates ‘all sorts of weird fishes’ and boasts being truly fully procedurally generated – the output is neat.

Lingdong Huang

💻 Jobs

Senior Backend Engineer – Remote — Nomad is a rapidly growing Series A startup on a mission to make home-buying more accessible across Europe and the Middle East.

Nomad Homes

Node.js Developer at X-Team (Remote) — Join the most energizing community for developers and work on long-term projects for Riot Games, FOX, Sony, Coinbase, and more.


Find Tech Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It’s free for job-seekers.



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