Deno runtime now integrates with Jupyter Notebook

Deno runtime proponents are touting the simplification of software development via the use of Jupyter Notebook in Deno 1.37. This latest version of the runtime for JavaScript, TypeScript, and WebAssembly also features improved editor support for Visual Studio Code. To read this article in full, please click here

You can run GitHub Gists with npx

#​501 — September 12, 2023 Read on the Web MikroORM 5.8 Released — When MikroORM is mentioned anywhere, I always see folks saying it’s great and deserves more attention, so I’m doing my bit to help 😁 It’s an ORM for Node based around Data Mapper, Unit of Work (hello Read more…

Bun 1.0 is out of the oven

Bun, an all-in-one toolkit for building, testing, debugging, and running JavaScript and TypeScript apps, has reached stable production-ready status as of September 8. Positioned as a drop-in replacement for Node.js, Bun is a single executable intended to eliminate complexity and slowness without tossing away everything that is “great” about JavaScript, Read more…

Node.js upgrade adds environment variable config

Node.js 20.6.0, the latest version of the asynchronous, event-driven JavaScript runtime, includes built-in 1env. file support for configuring environment variables. The update, cited as the “current” version of Node.js and announced September 4, can be downloaded from the project website. With 1env. , Node.js proponents said the configuration file should follow Read more…

Intro to Hapi: The Node.js framework

Hapi is a Node.js framework in the vein of Express but with a handful of distinguishing ideas, including a no-dependency, high-quality code stack; powerful configuration options; and fine-tuned extensibility that covers many use cases. JavaScript creator Brendan Eich said of Hapi that it “provides the right set of core APIs and Read more…

.env support coming to Node

#​499 — August 29, 2023 Read on the Web 👋 We’re back! Well, sort of.. If you didn’t get an issue of Node Weekly in the past few weeks, don’t worry, I was on vacation. I’m technically on vacation for a couple more days but didn’t want too many issues Read more…

Opening up the Node.js toolbox

#​497 — August 1, 2023 Read on the Web PythonMonkey: JavaScript/WASM Interop for Python — The alpha release of a new way to bring Python and JavaScript together, by way of embedding Mozilla SpiderMonkey into the Python VM. This post introduces the concept with some examples, an idea of where Read more…