Deno joins JavaScript standards effort

Developers of Deno, the TypeScript/JavaScript runtime positioned as an alternative to Node.js, have joined the standards body overseeing development of the JavaScript standard. In a December 13 blog post on the Deno company website, engineer Luca Casonato noted the company is now a member of ECMA International, the organization overseeing Read more…


#​417 — December 9, 2021 Read on the Web Node Weekly GitHub Rolling Out Enforced 2FA and More for npm Registry — Many public code package registries have suffered issues with user security in recent years, and a single compromised package can cause havoc in the npm ecosystem in particular. Read more…

TypeScript 4.5 arrives with Promise improvements

TypeScript 4.5, the latest upgrade to Microsoft’s strongly typed language based on JavaScript, is now generally available. The release features a new utility type, the 1Awaited type, for modeling operations such as 1await in 1async functions or the 1.then() method on 1Promise objects. However, another capability originally planned for TypeScript Read more…

A proposal to make npm safer?

#​413 — November 11, 2021 Read on the Web Node Weekly Node-RED in Industrial IoT: A Growing Standard — Node-RED is a very long standing Node.js-based ‘low code’ environment where you wire components together. As explained here, it’s heavily used in IoT scenarios and is even taking on established commercial systems. Read more…