Getting Started with Validation in Node — You’ve got a webapp and you want to validate the data it’s sent, but there are lots of options. Here Simon breaks down one approach using JSON schemas along with Ajv.
Simon Plenderleith
Another Bug Bites the Dust — AppSignal is an easy-to-use error and performance monitoring tool. We support the most popular Node.js frameworks and packages out-of-the-box. All features are included in all plans. Start a trial and send us your address for a box of Dutch cookies.
AppSignal sponsor
: Handling Events in React
Lightstep sponsor
Backend Developer (Node.js), EU ONLY — Do you want to do impactful work that will be deployed to millions of citizens weekly? Do you want your input to be heard and taken into consideration? Apply and create a digital future with us.
DevsData LLC
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🛠 Code & Tools
np 7.6.0: A Better
— Makes the process of publishing a package smoother with an interactive UI, checks that you’re publishing the right thing, runs tests, pushes commits and tags, etc.
Sindre Sorhus
Nandu: Alternative NPM Registry Software — Nandu provides an open source NPM registry that can be used with all the major tools. There’s a focus on security in multi user and team environments, but they’re keen to have people test it out before they can bill it truly production ready. Inc.