🏖️ We’re taking next week off, so the next issue will be on Tuesday, February 25. Feel free to hit reply and send in any submissions! __ Peter Cooper, your editor.
How to Publish ESM-Based npm Packages with TypeScript — Now that you can use the ES modules (almost) everywhere, it’s worth understanding how to package them up for use with npm. Axel digs into everything you need to know and shares some useful tools too.
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
Troubleshoot Node.js App Performance with Datadog APM — Datadog’s distributed tracing provides end-to-end visibility into requests wherever they go, across hosts, containers, and service boundaries. With rich dashboards, and algorithmic alerts, Datadog provides your team with the tools they need to optimize modern applications.
Datadog sponsor
Why to Move On to ‘ESM-Only’ — The march to using ES modules has been going on for years now and if you’re still holding out, there’s probably a good reason why. While you can maintain packages that support both ESM and CommonJS approaches, Anthony thinks it’s finally time to go ‘ESM only’ and explains why here.
Anthony Fu
Node v20.18.3 (LTS) Released — The main update is the backporting of import attributes and JSON modules is now considered stable.
Marco Ippolito
ffast: An Experimental Node.js FFI Library — A proof of concept for bringing all the low level bindings necessary into JS-land for creating FFI wrappers from JavaScript itself, without needing things like libffi. Works (with many caveats, the author says) on Linux x64/ARM64 and macOS/ARM64.
Billy Whizz
remove-unused-vars — An experimental new tool for removing unused variables from code.
Lars Kappert
pnpm 10.3 – The fast, efficiency-focused package manager adds a
option to exit with a non-zero exit code if any dependencies have unreviewed build scripts.
Express Zod API 22.8 – Quick schema validation and custom middleware.
Mongoose 8.10 – Popular MongoDB object modeling library.
Typegoose 12.11 – Define Mongoose 8.10 models as TypeScript classes.
Jasmine 5.6 – Testing framework for browsers & Node.
Globby 14.1 – User-friendly glob matching.
📢 Elsewhere in JavaScript
A quick roundup of some of other interesting stories in the broader JavaScript landscape, in case you’ve missed them: