✍️ Due to being on the road attending the inaugural AI Engineer Summit, this week’s issue was meant to be shorter than usual.. but I’m not sure it’s actually turned out that way 😅 In any case, we’re back to full service next week! __ Your editor, Peter Cooper
Payload 2.0: A Headless CMS Platform Built on Node — There’s much to like about Payload if you need a Node-based headless CMS, including a customizable React-based admin system, GraphQL or REST APIs, flexible auth and file upload systems, etc. Enough features to “feel more like an app framework akin to Laravel,” says James. v2.0 introduces Postgres support (it was exclusively using MongoDB before), Vite support, an all new rich text editor, and more. GitHub repo.
James Mikrut
A Web Server ‘Hello World’ Benchmark: Go vs Node vs Nim vs Bun — The standard disclaimer applies: benchmarks are difficult and don’t always measure what you should care about. Nonetheless, they remain of interest and here’s a quick example comparing the simplest of HTTP servers in with Go, Node, Bun and Nim.
Daniel Lemire
Japa 3.0: Node.js Testing Perfection? Perhaps. — From the same creator as AdonisJS, Japa slides into your existing workflows and has no build tool requirements. Its author even makes the bold claim that “Japa is as close to perfection as it can get when it comes to testing in Node.js.”
Harminder Virk
💡 Postgraphile provides another Node-related approach on this topic.
Termost: Another CLI App Framework — You don’t need a framework to create CLI apps with Node, but if you want things like options parsing, colorful output, and a help system out of the box, systems like Commander.js and oclif can be handy. Termost offers another option focused around a fluent/chainable API approach, first class TypeScript support, and a lighter touch.
Ayoub Adib
🕰 ICYMI (Some older stuff that’s still worth checking out)