The Nine Node Pillars: Principles for Doing Node Right in the Enterprise — An interesting resource from a group of prolific and productive Node.js contributors. It’s designed to act as a checklist to identify gaps in your current Node development practices, particularly when building larger scale apps.
Snell, Venditto, Dawson, Collina, et al.
Node v22.9.0 (Current) Released — The latest cutting edge Node has a new API for retrieving the stack trace of the current execution. It also disables V8’s Maglev optimizing JIT due to upstream reliability problems and the necessity for Node v22 to stick with V8 v12.4 when it goes LTS next month.
Rafael Gonzaga
WorkOS Enterprise Ready Conference — A one-day event in SF for product and engineering leaders shaping the future of enterprise SaaS. Speakers from OpenAI, Asana, Slack, Canva, Vanta, and more. Topics will include user identity, compliance, encryption, and logging — common features you need to support to sell to enterprises.
WorkOS sponsor
What’s New in Express.js 5.0 — We mentioned Express 5.0 and some of its new features recently, but here’s a deeper look at what it has to offer. The updates are largely incremental, but set the stage for Express’s future. A few breaking changes necessitate the major version bump.
Trevor I. Lasn
📺 If you’d prefer a live, video walkthrough, CJ of Coding Garden has one in ‘Express v5 is Here‘ over on YouTube.
A Comprehensive Guide to Node.js Addons — If you’d rather stick with Node than use Bun’s newest feature to bring C/C++ etc. into JavaScript, writing your own addon remains a dependable approach.
Deno 2.0 Release Candidate — Deno started life as a manifestation of ideas that Node’s original creator, Ryan Dahl, had after his experiences with Node. Deno 2 is the next step: how the Deno team thinks Deno should ultimately be. Many changes await:
is gone and Node’s
appears, dependency management has been improved, numerous APIs have gone stable (e.g. WebGPU), and both Node.js API and CommonJS support have continued to improve.
#550 — October 1, 2024 Read on the Web µExpress / Ultimate Express: Like Express, But Faster? — It’s not Express, but a reimplementation of Express’s functionality with API compatibility. Based on µWebSockets, and with Read more…
#548 — September 17, 2024 Read on the Web nano-spawn: Tiny Execa-Inspired Process Execution — If you’re familiar with Sindre’s powerful Execa for running commands from a Node app in a robust manner, 1nano-spawn offers Read more…
#547 — September 10, 2024 Read on the Web Express.js 5.0 Released; Sort Of — After a long period of seeming to merely be on life support, work on Express picked up significantly earlier this Read more…