#​539 — July 9, 2024

Read on the Web

Node to Get SQLite Built-In? — Deno has its own built in key/value store powered by SQLite – perhaps Node could gain similar powers by this initial effort to bake SQLite into the Node distribution. It’s early days, but interesting to see. More discussion here.

Colin Ihrig et al.

Node v22.4.1 (Current) and Others Released — Releases to fix an incomplete fix of an earlier vulnerability on Windows, as well as a vulnerability relating to bypassing network import restrictions by use of


URLs. Node v20.15.1 (LTS) and v18.20.4 (LTS) have also been released with said fixes.

Rafael Gonzaga

Memetria: Redis Hosting for Serious Developers — Memetria provides secure, scalable hosting with features that enhance your development experience, including large key tracking and detailed performance metrics. Keep your production apps fast with better and uptime.

Memetria sponsor

Moving from Express to Fastify (Part 1) — Express has outlasted a lot of change in the Node.js world and still forms the basis of most Web-facing Node apps. Nonetheless, there are other compelling options, and the Val Town platform shares its story of making the move to Fastify.

Tom MacWright (Val Town)


9.5 Introduces Catalogspnpm is a popular efficiency-focused npm alternative. A new Catalogs feature enables shareable dependency version specifiers, reducing merge conflicts and improving support for monorepos.

Sarah Gooding (Socket)

Behind the Code: A Discussion with Backend Experts — July 16, join experts from Node.js, Laravel, Prisma & Supabase to discuss backend trends, challenges, and community.

Sentry sponsor

📄 What’s Coming Next for ESLint – The new configuration system is “just the beginning of significant changes” coming to ESLint. Nicholas C. Zakas

📄 Vercel Enabling Streaming for All Node.js Vercel Functions Vercel

📺 How I Used GitHub Projects to Move House – Not Node specific but a neat way to become familiar with GitHub Projects. Michelle ‘MishManners’ Duke

📄 How to Parse HTML Programatically in JavaScript Brian Wachira

🛠 Code & Tools

Snitch: A CLI Tool to Create GitHub Issue Reports — Create reports from the issues in your GitHub repos in five different formats. There’s ▶️ a 20 minute screencast showing off where this can be useful.

Jeff Schwartz

Pongo: Write Mongo but Use Postgres — An interesting idea. Rather than being a database server that ‘speaks’ the MongoDB protocol and uses Postgres on the backend (like FerretDB), Pongo’s a PostgreSQL client library that presents a Mongo-like interface to Node developers, so you get to use Postgres but act as if you’re using MongoDB.


💡 The author has also written a blog post going into more detail.


Want to kill meetings? — We’re looking for software engineering leaders to join the beta for a product aiming to do just that. Apply here.


🦸 Full Stack Developer (Remote Job, EU/NA) — Create groundbreaking software that gives super powers to real life heroes.


pgvector-node: Improved


Support for Node.jspgvector is rapidly becoming the de facto way to work with vectors in vector similarity search systems in Postgres. This library improves support in node-postgres, Knex.js, pg-promise, Prisma, TypeORM, MikroORM, Drizzle ORM, and others.

Andrew Kane

Fabric.js 6.0: A SVG-to-Canvas and Canvas-to-SVG Library — Provides an interactive object model on top of the HTML5 canvas to make it easier to work with multiple visual elements there. Ideal for the browser but it works with Node too, on top of node-canvas.



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